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How to hack your Nokia phone (Checked in Nokia X6-16GB)

Every nokia phone has a strong security. So we could not use or install those applications or softwares which are not certified or not trusted. That is why users have to face this kind of problem when they try to install them. Many times we see certificate error, certificate expired, not installed etc. These kinds of problems are known as Certificate error! Nokia did not give authority to install unapproved applications. But we always want our desire application to use. I saw that many people used to change there phones date and time to install expired applications. It is annoyed and difficult. But we can ignore this certificate system by a simple way. Its very simple and i have personally tried it in several nokia phone and it works. After hacking your phones certificate system you can easily install any kind of application and games without any restriction. There is no any risk involve in this process. It is easy and you can also unhack your phone as usual. Now i will show you that how to hack your nokia symbian phone. Just follow my instructions. 

Files need to be downloaded:-
Password:- jabadbd24

1. Download all files in your computer
2. Connect your phone with computer in "mass memory" mode
3. Unpack "Quarantine Drivers"
4. Now copy the "private" folder
5. Go to your phone mass storage or memory card
6. Paste the "Private" folder inside your memory card
note: Paste the folder in the root of sdcard
7. Install DrWeb 6 in phone and Launch it
8. Then select cancel
9. After that go to Options
10. Select Quarantine
11. In Quarantine option you will see 3 files (if you have successfully completed step #6) Now go to Options
12.Click on Select all
13. After process #12, all files will be selected
14. Then again go to Options
15. Select Restore
16. After restoring there will be no any files in the quarantine list
note: If you see that 3 files become 6 then your phone is already hacked
17. In that case Just follow the steps from #18
18. Now install "ROMPatcher+" and launch it
19. The from the Options select All Patches and click on apply
note: After that you will see all red icons become blue
20. Then hack your phone and enjoy

Finally, Problem solved!
Now you can hack your nokia Symbian phone easily!
If there any problem, then do not hesitate to contact us.