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How to Remove Blogger Navigation Bar (Navbar)

Blogger show a navigation bar by default at the top of every blogger blog. It’s called navbar (Navigation Bar). Navigation is not bed it may be useful. But sometime we need to remove this navbar because it does not look professional. The Blogger navbar is mostly hidden in in third party blogger templates. Now i will show you that How to Remove Blogger Navigation Bar (Navbar). Just follow the instruction.

There are some advantages of Navbar:-
When you click on the B icon, it will take you to
a quick link to your Dashboard and "Sign in /Sign out" dialog
You can easily search for other blogs
Next Blog - takes you to a random, recently-updated Blogger blog

The disadvantage of navbar is If you have customized design, Navbar doesn't adjust with design for looking wise.
1. Hiding of Navigation Bar is very easy. You have to add small CSS code in your blogger template.
2. Go to your Blogger dashboard
3. Click on > Template >Edit HTML
4. Now find “]]></b:skin>” and just before this code pase above given CSS.
5. Now save your Template and refresh your blog and see blogger navbar has been removed. 

Add below given CSS in your blogger template:-

Finally, Problem solved!
Now you can Remove Blogger Navigation Bar (Navbar)
If there any problem, don't hesitate to contact me