, Adfoc and Linkbucks are the URL shorteners that pays you when people browse your shortened links. Well all the shortened links are really annoying because when ever you visit any website and you click on their links than you have to wait like 5 to 10 sec and than you click on the Skip Ad Button. Sometimes bloggers use this link shorten to get some money. But visitors don't like it. Because you have to skip it again and again and also have to wait every times. Well if you wanna skip them automatically then you are on the right place. Now i will show you that How to bypass from mobile phone & computer. Just follow the instruction.
Files need to be downloaded:-
No files or software is needed for it
Process:- 1 for Google chrome
1. Open Google chrome
2. Install the Tamper Monkey Extension for the Google Chrome
3. Then go to the AdsFight! site
Process:- 2 for Mozilla firefox
1. Open mozila firefox
2. Go to the Skipper site
Process:- 3 for Mobile
1. Open opera mini
2. In address bar write javascript:showSkip();
3. Then save it as a new bookmark & rename it Adf killer
4. Now go Adf killer
Process:- 4 for Mobile & computer
1. Go to the DeAdfly site
2. Now copy link which you want to bypass
3. Now paste the link in the box
4. Wait a while, you will get your direct link
Finally, Problem solved!
Now you can bypass from mobile phone & computer!
If there any problem, don't hesitate to contact me